
Your eyes give you sight, but faith gives you vision. Sight sees what is, vision sees what could be. Vision is when faith and hope look into tomorrow and see something that is not yet, but should be. Vision is when you see a picture of something that is not yet, but could be. Vision sees possibilities. The people in life who have vision usually have direction as well. For vision to give you clear direction, vision must be converted to mission. For example if you have a vision of a skinnier, healthier or wealthier you. You will need a game plan to get there. So your diet and gym routine become your mission and that came from the vision that you had of a better you. When you look at a problem through the lens of faith and hope you get a vision. So look at your life or circumstances through the lens of faith and hope and see what could be. Don’t be discouraged about what is, crying over spilt milk will only turn the milk sour. Look at what is and see what could be. Who do you see yourself becoming this year? Where do you see yourself going this year? What opportunities are before you now? What are the possibilities if you make the most of the opportunities you have been given?

What is in your power to do now that will help you move closer to the vision you have for your life? Powerful people don’t focus on what they can’t change, they focus on what is in their power to change. Be powerful and take initiative to move closer toward the vision you have for your life. Remember being passive is not being patient. Now is the best time to move forward.

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