Cancel Culture

Cancel culture is not new but it is more aggressive than ever before. Often we label people so that we don’t have to listen to them. We need to learn to listen better. We need to learn to be slow to speak. We need to learn to love people we don’t agree with. People need to know that we don’t hate them just because we disagree with them. That false narrative needs to be exposed for the lie that it is. If you still feel the need to cancel stuff and people here are a few suggestions below.

  1. Cancel your preconceived notions of others and learn to listen.
  2. Cancel your feelings and fulfill your commitments.
  3. Cancel your doubts and believe what God has said.
  4. Cancel your fear and choose faith.
  5. Cancel complaining and choose to be thankful.
  6. Cancel greed and be generous.
  7. Cancel talking about people and talk to them.
  8. Cancel the need to live to please people who don’t even like or care about you.
  9. Cancel the lie that if you had ________ you would be happy.